Craft Vendors Application
Applications for 2025 are now available.
A list of craft vendors who participated in the 2024 Festival are here.
Juried Craft Show Information​
Show is open to all artisans who design and execute their own work. Only original work may be offered for sale. Commercially-produced merchandise; imported items; articles assembled from plans, kits or molds; and articles composed primarily of pre-manufactured components are not eligible for exhibit or sale.
Place and Time
Takoma Park Middle School, 7611 Piney Branch Road, Takoma Park, Maryland
10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
**Craft Show Held Indoors**
General Information
Artisans must:
Be present to display and sell. (No representatives or dealers allowed.)
Have a professional looking display.
Provide everything needed to display and sell work.
Be responsible for collecting and filing Maryland sales tax.
In addition:
Exhibitor’s display must not interfere with adjacent booths or public areas in any way.
Limited number of electrical connections available.
No sale, discount, or clearance signs are permitted.
No commissions taken on sales.
Exhibitors may not sublet or apportion space to anyone else.
Two exhibitors may share a booth; but both artisans must apply separately.
Exhibitors may rent 6-foot tables and/or folding chairs; none are provided.
No canopies or tents with side drapes permitted.
No booth may be dismantled before closing time.
Booth must be entirely dismantled and packed prior to bringing your vehicle to the loading area at the end of the show.
Eating and drinking are not permitted in the school building.
Application Procedure
Application Form:
All applicants (new and returning exhibitors) must submit an application form:
All applicants must provide four images of their work plus one of their booth. (If sharing a booth, each applicant must submit four images of their work. The booth image should show the work of all applicants.)
Images should be jpg/jpeg files.
Images can be color corrected, but not otherwise enhanced.
Image numbers should correspond with the information on your application form.
Be sure to label your images as follows:
Last Name First Name Item Number Description
Example: DoeChris1Bowl DoeChris2Plate DoeChris3Mug Etc.
Upload digital images to
Images should accurately represent your work. Please be advised that the Crafts Committee will request the removal of any work that differs from that represented in the submitted images.
The jury evaluates the applications based solely on the images provided. The jury is also given the brief description of the items you provide on the application.
Please note that the Crafts Committee reserves the right to request additional images from any applicant for any reason. If you decline to submit the requested images, your application will be voided. TPFF will keep your $25 Jury Fee, but your Booth Fee will be refunded.
Booth Fee: $120 for a 10′ x 10′ space. (Refunded if not accepted into show)
Jury Fee: $25 (Non-refundable)
Payment of $145 may be made by:
Online (Credit Card): or
Check or money order for $145 payable to Takoma Park Folk Festival, Inc. mailed to:
​TPFF Crafts
7304 Carroll Ave., #192
Takoma Park, MD 20912​​​
Application Deadline: June 15, 2025
Application form, images and fees must be received no later than June 15.
In fairness to all, there will be an on-site jury the morning of the show.
Submission of an application is a commitment to participate in the show if accepted. Booth fee will be refunded if not accepted into show. No refunds will be given after the acceptance notice is sent.
Your booth fee will be refunded if you apply to have work juried in more than one category, and you are accepted in only one category, and you do not wish to participate in just one category.
Exhibitors are responsible for their own insurance for displayed work, tools and/or equipment. The Takoma Park Folk Festival assumes no liability.
​The Crafts Committee strives to provide diversity and ensure that all crafts are proportionally represented. Previous participation in the TPFF does not guarantee that you will be accepted into this show.