Save the Date / Volunteers Needed for the 2019 Takoma Park Folk Festival
Save the date for Sunday, Sept 8th, 10:30am to 6:30pm at Takoma Park Middle School for the 2019 Takoma Park Folk Festival!
The Takoma Park Folk Festival is a fabulous free festival filled with magical musical moments, quality crafts, fun, food, and community in every corner. Since its inception in 1978, the Festival has been a community affair, organized by volunteers from the Takoma Park area and featuring the best local musicians and artists. Enjoy music and dance on six stages, special activities for kids, a juried craft show, community tables, and international food. Parking on-site for handicap permits. Free shuttles from Takoma Metro and Montgomery College's East Garage. Please see for more info and look for us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

In order make everything run smoothly, we need more volunteers for setup on Saturday (September 7) and on the day of the festival, September 8. We have a range of jobs and shifts you can sign up for at Please consider volunteering 2 or more hours of your time. We especially need volunteers for the following jobs: Artist Merchandise Assistant, Logistics, Donations, Parking, and Stage Assistants, but we have plenty of other ways you can help; if you have time throughout the year, you could even consider joining our planning committee.
Either way, we look forward to seeing you at the Festival on September 8!